Dec 3, 2009

Diverse Grading Criteria

In my opinion LSE suffers from diverse teaching techniques and grading criterias of the same subject. One instructor of the same course sets post mid syllabus while the other compells that she wants her class to rote learn the entire book. One sets an A on 85% while the other believes in relative grading. Most of the students feel cheated when they get to know that their peers from other sections are getting better grades just because their instructor is more flexible. How would you suggest that improvement can be brought about in these methods? Is notifying Dr. Shahid enough? If not, then what other measures should be taken?


  1. i ve been a great victim of this diverse grading criteria n i thnk they shud follow a unified system

  2. teachers who teach very well set their A on 85% because they expect the same result from the students in return. many students feel that thay have been a victim of this diverse grading system which should be eliminated and this can be done by complaining to the higher authorities.

  3. lmao!!! are there any higher authorities in lse? everyone thinks they're the boss!!!!
